The Century Project at the Space Needle
Built for the 1962 World’s Fair, the 603 ft [184m] high landmark underwent renovation to reconfigure the user experience and provide uninterrupted 360-degree views of the surrounding city below and beyond. The renovation maintains the original profile and programmatic qualities including a revolving restaurant and indoor and outdoor observation decks while upgrading the experiences of each by introducing 196% more glass to the structure. At the revolving restaurant, the floor is comprised of all-glass, revealing the kinetic system driving the floor beneath it. The outdoor observation deck is stripped of wire safety cages and metal barriers and replaced with slanted, vertically frameless, triple-laminated glass. Each panels is captured only at the base sill and with horizontal struts extending from the main roof to the top corners introducing as little obstruction as possible to the views out. ‘Skyrisers’, integrated glass benches, allow users the experience of floating above the city.
Front provided technical consulting on over ten glass systems, including observation deck barriers and benches and restaurant level floors. Front consulting began with viability studies and continued through all design phases into construction.